Every-Day Book
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October 23.

St. Theodoret, A. D. 362. St. Romanus, Abp. of Rouen, A. D. 639. St. John Capistran, A. D. 1456. St. Ignatius, Patriarch of Constantinople, A. D. 878. St. Severin, Abp. of Cologn [sic], A. D. 400. Another St. Severin.

St. Severin.

The annals of the saints are confused. St. Severin, Abp. of Cologne, is famous in the history of the church: by him, his own diocese, and that of Tongres, "was purged from the venom of the Arian heresy, about the year 390." He "knew by revelation the death and glory of St. Martin at the time of his departure," and died about 400. So says Butler, who immediately begins with "Another St. Severin or Surin, patron of Bourdeaux," said by some "to have come to Bourdeaux from some part of the east;" and by others, to have been "the same with the foregoing archbishop of Cologne." It is difficult to make a distinction when we find "two single gentlemen rolled into one." Whether one or two is of little consequence perhaps: their biographers were miraculists. He of Cologne led "an angelical life," according to Butler, who adds, that "his life wrote by Fortunatus is the best:" the latter biographer achieved as great marvels with his pen, as his namesake with his wishing-cap.


Rushy Starwort. Aster junicus.
Dedicated to St. Theodoret.